Capital Questions. First stop: Berlin
The Institute of Public Affairs from Warsaw together with Europäische Akademie Berlin and the international Polish public television channel TVP World are launching a series of debates on major European issues. The series is called ‘Capital Questions’ and will kick off in Berlin.
The Capital Questions to be asked in Berlin are:
- Will Germany remain the driving force of the European integration?
- Does Germany feel responsible for the victory of Ukraine?
- Do you think that Germany should be responsible for the victory of Ukraine?
- What about European integration? Would Germany remain the driving force in this process?
The discussion will be moderated by Grzegorz Nawrocki from TVP World and attended by the panellists:
- Stephen Bastos, Stiftung Genshagen
- Isabell Hoffmann, Bertelsmann Foundation
- Christian Johann, European Academy Berlin
- Bernd Hüttemann, European Movement Germany
Come to our debate, as a part of audience of TV show, and ask questions.
You can see the first depate here: https://tvpworld.com/82861387/video-capital-questions-berlin-is-germany-committed-to-ukraines-future
07.10.2024 | 18:00 - 21:30 Uhr
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Humboldt Graduate School Festsaal
Luisenstraße 56
10117 Berlin
Europe behind the Headlines – Frequenz Europa
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