Go East and deep?


00-000 Warschau

Thoughts on the Expansion and Deepening of the European Union
By registration

Go East and Deep? What Does the EU of Tomorrow Look Like?

A process of EU reform appears necessary against the backdrop of an impending expansion, but there is still a lack of consensus on what and how specific changes should be made. But what should an EU27+ look like to be resilient and ensure its citizens a space of security, freedom, and justice? Together with you and our esteemed experts, we would like to address these crucial questions: In what constitution must the EU find itself to be expandable? What might be the next concrete steps in the expansion? Should there be creative solutions given the current geostrategic challenges to expedite the enlargement process?

We look forward to discussing these matters with you and our experts:

Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Cianciara, Associate Professor at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She specializes in differentiated (de-)integration in the EU, with a focus on EU neighborhood policy.

Frank Burgdörfer, Board member of the European Movement Germany (EBD). The business economist and political scientist has been involved in numerous multinational projects in the EU and the candidate countries, providing first-hand support for the rapprochement and deepening of the EU.

The discussion will be moderated by Manuel Knapp, Study Director of the EAB, and Małgorzata Kopka-Piątek, Head of the European and Migration Programme at the Institute of Public Affairs Warsaw. The event will take the form of a Fishbowl discussion. After introductory statements, you will have the opportunity to actively engage in the discussion.

The event is organized in cooperation between the European Academy Berlin and the Institute of Public Affairs Warsaw, with co-funding from the EU. This event is part of the EAB series "Exchange."

The event will be simultaneously interpreted in German and Polish. Following the discussion, we invite you to continue the conversations in an informal setting during a reception.

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